Jazan Province, located in the southwest of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, includes many archaeological sites, including:
Al-Sehi Site
Located in the southwest of Samtah Governorate, site excavations have revealed that the site was intermittently populated between 1300 and 2400 BCE. The site forms the connection point between the eastern coast of Africa and the western Arabian Peninsula.
Either Site
Located in an area of land inside the Red Sea, it is called Ras Tarfah. It dates back to the period of the civilization of the southern Arabian Peninsula, and the early Islamic era until the thirteenth century.
Al-Manarah and al-Rayan Sites
Located in Sabya Governorate, the sites comprise archaeological remains of buildings dating back to the seventeenth century. These buildings reflect Morrocan architectural and ornamental styles.
Al-Meharrq Archaeological Village
An archaeological village in Farasan Islands, it includes many archaeological wells dating back to pre-Islamic, specifically, to the civilization of the southern Arabian Peninsula, and the tombstones have inscriptions on them.
Al-Kedmi Site
Located in al-Qassar Village, the site features remains of structures erected with large square and rectangular stones bearing a resemblance to Roman columns. Rocks are engraved with Ancient South Arabian scripts.
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