What Is the Relation Between the Shura Council and International Parliaments?

The Shura Council joined the Inter-Parliamentary Union in 2003, where the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's membership was approved by the majority of all members. The council participates in the union's meetings regularly, whether at the level of presidents, member delegations, or secretaries-general.
The council's memberships include the following international and regional parliamentary associations and councils: Founding member of the Parliamentary Union of Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, member of the Arab Parliamentary Union, member of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, member of the G20, member of the Association of Secretaries-General of International Parliaments, and member of the Arab Parliament.
The council is also a founding member of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly, a member of the Forum of Parliamentarians of Africa and Arab Countries for Population and Development, a founding member of the International Parliamentarians Union for Social Services, a member of the Association of Secretaries-General of Arab Parliaments, a member of the International Parliamentarians Union for Information Technology, and a member of the Association of Senates, Shura Councils, and Equivalent Councils in Africa and the Arab World.
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