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The Postal Law in the Kingdom

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The Postal Law in the Kingdom
4 min read

The Postal Law in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a government law focused on the postal sector in the Kingdom. The updated version of this law was issued on October 14, 2021, replacing the previous version from 1985. It includes various provisions related to the rights of service providers and beneficiaries, licensing, and competitions, as well as oversight, inspection, publication, and enforcement.

Mandates of the Postal Law in the Kingdom

The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology supervises the postal sector and assumes a number of mandates, most notably: proposing regulations and their amendments related to the postal sector and following up on their implementation after approval. The ministry also conducts comprehensive and periodic reviews of the postal sector's performance. Additionally, it represents the Kingdom in local, regional, and international organizations, authorities, and unions related to postal affairs, and implements the Kingdom's commitments in this regard. The ministry also grants representation powers to the Communications and Information Technology Commission or other relevant entities.

The ministry's mandates also include the approval of terms, principles, and rules related to the universal access right to postal services, as well as the issuance of the necessary resolutions for the implementation of the law's Implementing Regulations and provisions pertaining to these matters.

The objectives of the Postal Law in the Kingdom

The Postal Law in the Kingdom aims to develop the sector and enhance its services in line with the progress and increasing importance of the sector at both local and international levels. This is achieved through leveraging global practices in regulating postal services and elevating them to electronic automation.

The law works to develop the sector using modern methods and technologies to ensure the delivery of postal services with high quality and at reasonable prices. It aims to meet the needs of the community by keeping pace with international standards and advanced practices in the field, in addition to creating a distinctive environment for fair competition.

The Saudi Postal Law facilitates the expansion of public services, expedites the dissemination of postal services in government transactions, and promotes the growth of commercial activities and relations with individuals. It also contributes to the promotion of collaboration between public and private entities, enhancing the effectiveness of relevant public policies, and thus achieving effective governance in the sector.

The Saudi Postal Law also contributes to stimulating the postal market, elevating the performance level of national institutions and companies, attracting leading international companies in priority fields for the sector, and providing an attractive investment environment in the sector. Additionally, it protects the public interest and beneficiaries, ensuring the confidentiality and security of postal materials by relying on the development of local skills and competencies and enhancing their levels. This fosters entrepreneurial development, encourages creativity and innovation, and promotes research and development processes in postal services.

Provisions of dealings and responsibilities in the Postal Law in the Kingdom

The postal service provider is responsible for delays in parcel delivery, errors in material delivery, or cases of loss and damage. They must deliver the items to the intended recipient's address by depositing them in their mailbox or return them to the sender's address if delivery is not possible.

The postal service provider is not considered responsible in cases where the error or negligence is on the part of the sender, nor for the self-destruction of the postal material due to its nature and contents. This also applies to force majeure or circumstances beyond control that lead to the damage of the material or its official documents indicating its destination. The provider is exempt from responsibility if it is determined that the contents of the postal material are prohibited from being sent according to regulations, laws, and international agreements. Additionally, the sender bears full responsibility for any damages resulting from non-compliance with the laws, provisions, and regulations related to the mail.

Violations and penalties under the Postal Law in the Kingdom

The Postal Law in the Kingdom includes a set of violations and penalties, notably tampering with its properties, devices, vehicles, and equipment, as well as the use of postal clearance machines, or their use in selling, buying, and importing without a license to do so.

The law prohibits tampering with any postal material or emblem belonging to postal services. It also forbids placing official marks on postal items or tampering with postal materials through destruction, alteration, or removal of any mark, postage stamp, number, symbol, or letter.

Continuity of services in the Postal Law in the Kingdom

The Postal Law in the Kingdom guarantees the continuity of postal services under all conditions, including situations impacted by procedures and penalties taken against its operators. Necessary and appropriate arrangements are made to ensure the uninterrupted and continuous provision of service under any circumstances, fulfilling the intended purpose of establishing the law and serving the beneficiaries.