The First Saudi State has disbursed the resources available with Bayt al-Mal (treasury) in favor of various purposes, including:
- Amounts settled to those entitled to Zakat, such as the poor and the disadvantaged, each according to their needs and share, pursuant to the provisions of Sharia.
- Allocations made in favor of travelers who lost their way or those who did not hold sufficient amounts while traveling, where they would be provided with accommodation, food, and some money to help them travel to their countries. This practice was common across the state, where governors would allocate amounts in favor of travelers passing through the regions they governed.
- Amounts spent by the state to build mosques, hold educational sessions, and settle amounts in favor of scholars, imams, muezzins, teachers of the Noble Quran, and students.
- Salaries allocated in favor of officers responsible for collecting Zakat, judges, regions' governors, soldiers responsible for security, guarding, and Hisba, and the princes leading armies and taking part in managing the state's affairs.
- Amounts allocated for covering the needs and expenditures of the state, thus covering hospitality, donations, and gifts, and amounts allocated for supporting those harmed by calamities and disasters, covering the needs and expenditures of some regions where the income of Bayt al-Mal was not sufficient in this respect, and amounts disbursed in favor of social projects and charity.
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