Al-Maqsad Application is an e-navigation system dedicated to the Grand Mosque. It is activated via Bluetooth and works on determining the location of mobile phone holders and guiding them to the sites they would like to visit in the Grand Mosque and its external facilities, such as its squares and restrooms.
Al-Maqsad Application is based upon the Global Positioning System (GPS) used for determining locations. In addition to offering various services, the application also provides users with options that enable them to view a live feed of the Grand Mosque at all times. The application features a wide range of guidelines related to Hajj and Umrah rituals.
Visitors of the Grand Mosque and Umrah performers have access to an array of technological applications and digital services that contribute to facilitating their access to the sites they are seeking, such as the locations dedicated to translating the Khutbah for individuals with special needs, including the deaf, the location of the Zamzam Well, the sites dedicated for educational classes, and gift shops.
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