The General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA) is the competent entity supervising all kinds of civil aviation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Its responsibility involves establishing mandatory regulations and laws that organize and ensure air transportation and air navigation safety, issuing employee licenses and certificates in the civil aviation sector, and developing air transportation according to the latest international standards.
GACA establishment
In 1948, the Civil Aviation Authority, initially encompassing Saudi Arabian Airlines and the Civil Aviation Administration, was established. In 1959, Saudi Arabian Airlines underwent a separation from civil aviation and became the Civil Aviation Directorate. Eighteen years later, in 1977, it was restructured into the Presidency. In 2004, following a resolution by the Council of Ministers, the authority's name transitioned from the Presidency of Civil Aviation to GACA. Finally, in 2011, it achieved autonomy from the Ministry of Defense. In 2016, a Royal Decree was issued to link GACA with the Ministry of Transport. After 2017, another Royal Decree was issued to distinguish the regulatory functions from the operational responsibilities of GACA. This move aimed to enhance its role as a legislator and regulator within the Kingdom's aviation industry.
GACA oganization
GACA enjoys a public legal personality, as well as financial and administrative independence. It is organizationally linked to the Minister of Transport and Logistic Services.
GACA's board of Directors manages its affairs and runs its business. The Minister of Transport chairs the board, and several public departments are affiliated with GACA, which regulates their performance. GACA operates from its headquarters in the capital, Riyadh. It supervises all airports in the Kingdom, namely fourteen international airports and fourteen domestic airports, spread across all regions, cities, and governorates of the Kingdom.
In 2008, a Royal Decree was issued to establish the Saudi Civil Aviation Holding Company, which is owned entirely by GACA. The company is responsible for overseeing the privatization processes and developing an effective mechanism to privatize the sectors, units, and airports, thus converting them into entities that function on a competitive basis.
The current Executive Safety Regulations, the Customers Protection Regulations, the Facilitation National Program, and the Aeronautical Information Publication, all represent the most legal bases for GACA's framework.
GACA's role
GACA has several roles, mainly following up on the implementation of civil aviation treaties and international agreements signed by the Kingdom, establishing, operating, maintaining, and managing the aviation navigational systems, and issuing the necessary licenses for institutions and companies of the civil aviation industry, air freight, as well as ground and support services in the Kingdom.
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