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Why Is al-Ahsa Oasis Inscribed on the World Heritage List?

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Why Is al-Ahsa Oasis Inscribed on the World Heritage List?
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1 min read

Al-Ahsa Oasis is an extensive series of palm groves that covers a part of al-Ahsa Governorate in the Eastern Province of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia containing around 2.7 million palm trees. The oasis spans an area of approximately 85.4 km². It is part of a rich urban fabric that includes irrigation canals, freshwater springs, wells, al-Asfar Lake, historical buildings, and archaeological sites showcasing the continuous human scene in the region since the Neolithic period, making it an exceptional world landscape. Recognized for its significance, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) classified it as a cultural site, exemplifying the interaction between humans and the surrounding environment.

Since 2018, al-Ahsa Oasis has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site marking the fifth Saudi site inscribed on the UNESCO list. Beyond its striking landscape, the oasis is home to significant historical monuments, including ancient forts, mosques, water management systems, springs, and canals.