According to the main results of the Saudi Census 2022, published by the General Authority for Statistics in 2023, the population of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has reached 32,175,224. The percentage of Saudis amounted to 58.4 percent, or 18.8 million people, while non-Saudis comprised 41.6 percent of the population, amounting to 13.4 million people. The male population reached 19.7 million, constituting 61.2 percent of the total, while the female population reached 12.5 million, representing 38.8 percent.
Also, 67.5 percent of the Kingdom's population resides in Riyadh, Makkah al-Mukarramah, and the Eastern Province. Riyadh City is the most populated city, followed by Jeddah, Makkah al-Mukarramah, al-Madinah al-Munawwarah, and Dammam. The average age of the total population was twenty-nine, and the average age of Saudis was twenty-five, with 63 percent of the Saudi population under thirty years old. The total number of Saudi households was 4.2 million, with an average size of 4.8 individuals per household. The proportion of Saudi males and females was nearly equal, with males accounting for 50.2 percent compared to 49.8 percent for females.
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