Taif Development Authority is a Saudi governmental entity responsible for setting general policies aiming to develop Taif governorate in Makkah Al-Mukarramah Province in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is responsible for preparing plans, studies, and comprehensive strategic schemes for the governorate, in addition to setting operational programs and monitoring and implementing projects in coordination with the Board and secretariat of the governorate.
Establishing Taif Development Authority
The authority was established on the 5th of May 2022, for the purpose of developing the urban and economical arenas of the governorate. On the 12th of May 2022, the Saudi Cabinet issued a decree to form the Taif Development Authority board of directors.
The work of Taif development authority
Taif Development Authority is responsible for several tasks and duties, including: prioritizing the implementation of programs and projects in the governorate to be consistent with the development plans, suggesting the expropriation of some real estate that helps develop the governorate in coordination with the region’s secretariat and to review of development plans, programs, and projects related to the authority work. Developing programs necessary to involve the private sector in executing the projects and reviewing and approving land divisions, is also included in the duties of the authority.
The authority also works on elaborating policies, plans, and studies, in addition to coordinating the efforts of sectors concerned with developing the natural, tourist, traditional, educational, and historic landmarks of the governorate. The authority also works on stimulating and encouraging investment in many sectors, such as agriculture and rural tourism. It is also concerned with developing several sectors, improving the quality of life, and making use of the governorate's potential.
Taif Development Authority Board of Directors
According to the regulatory arrangements of the cities and regions development authorities, the chairman of the board is nominated and appointed by the prime minister, and the minister of culture is to chair the board of directors which consists of several members. The first session of the board was held on the 22nd of May 2022, and several topics were discussed aiming to coordinate the efforts of sectors concerned in Taif development, set plans, visions, schemes, and studies, and encourage investment in the governorate.
Taif is the fourth largest governorate in Makkah Al-Mukarramah Province in terms of area. It is 49000 square kilometers, almost 9.72% of the total area of the region. Its population is 913,374 inhabitants, according to the general population and housing census conducted in 2022.
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