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Ghleimet Game

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Ghleimet Game
2 min read

Ghleimet Game is one of the traditional games in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, specifically known in Qassim Province. It does not require a specific time to be played and is a group game involving a number of players. It is played in open areas and relies on the skill of intuition and quick wit. The game shares some characteristics with the game 'Hamad Hamad,' but unlike 'Hamad Hamad,' Ghleimet does not require players to run and chase.

Names of the Ghleimet Game

Ghleimet game is known by different names in various Arab countries. In the United Arab Emirates, it is called 'Man Darabaka?' (Who Hit You?), and in some provinces of the Kingdom, it is known as 'Man Qalatt,' which means 'Who Entered' in the Najdi dialect.

Ghleimet Game performance

The game is played in spacious areas without a specific number of players; the more players, the more enjoyable it becomes. In the Qassim Province, the game begins with a draw to select a player to start the game. Once chosen, the player lies on their stomach while another player, acting as a judge, holds the head of the lying player to prevent them from seeing. The game then begins with the remaining players jumping over the lying player, each trying to touch the player's leg or back with their foot. The judge then asks the lying player, 'Man Qalatt?' (Who Entered?). If the lying player can correctly identify the player who jumped over and touched them, that player takes their place. If not, the game continues.

In other provinces of the Kingdom, the game is played differently. It begins with one player sitting down while another player places their head in the lap of the seated player. The seated player then blindfolds this player (covers their eyes), so they cannot see those around them. The other players then take turns approaching the blindfolded player, each touching and jumping over them. Each time, the seated player asks the blindfolded player: Man Qalatt? which means who touched you and jumped over you? The blindfolded player guesses the name of the player. If their guess is correct and they identify the player, the identified player takes the turn to be blindfolded. If the guess is incorrect, the game continues with the same blindfolded player. And so on.

The blindfolded player relies on interpreting the movements of the player who touches or jumps over them, as well as the laughter of the other players, to make their guess.