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Law of Printed Materials and Publication in Saudi Arabia

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Law of Printed Materials and Publication in Saudi Arabia
7 min read

The Law of Printed Materials and Publication in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a law that regulates the activities related to printing and publishing within the Kingdom, under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Media. Issued on November 29, 2000, it encompasses various activities subject to the law, detailing the controls, provisions, and penalties associated with publishing and printing processes.

The Law of Printed Materials and Publication includes a variety of activities, such as: printed matters, printeries, pre-printing services, bookshops, photography, tape recording, radio, television, cinematographic or theatrical artistic works, televisions and broadcasting studios, publication, distribution, publicity and advertisement, journalistic services, information studies and consultations, public relations, and any activity suggested by the Ministry of Media and approved by the Council of Ministers.

Licensing conditions under the Law of Printed Materials and Publication in Saudi Arabia

None of the activities governed by the Law may be carried out except with a license from the Ministry of Media. The person to whom the license for activities related to printing and publishing is issued must be a Saudi national, but the Minister of Investment may give exemption for any activity from this condition. The person must be at least twenty-five years old, though the Minister of Media may give exemption at his discretion. The person must also be of good conduct and behavior and hold the appropriate qualifications. These conditions also apply to representatives of companies.

Government entities, educational and research institutes, scientific societies, art and culture clubs, and national journalistic establishments may issue non-periodical printed matters in their field of specialization and under their responsibility.

License or renewal fees under the Law of Printed Materials and Publication in Saudi Arabia

According to Article Seven of the Law of Printed Materials and Publication in the Kingdom, the license fee is SAR2,000 for each of the following activities: Printeries, publication, distribution, preprinting preparatory services, artistic works for broadcasting, television and cinema, televisions and broadcasting studios, publication, distribution, publicity and advertisement, information studies and consultations, broadcasting and television studios, publicity and advertising, journalistic services, production, sale or renting of computer programs, and importation, sale or renting of films and video tapes. Meanwhile, the fees for bookstores, drawing and writing, copying and reprography, photography, and sound recordings and discs are SAR1,000.

Conditions for approving printed matters under the Law of Printed Materials and Publication in Saudi Arabia

According to Article Nine of the Law, the persons in charge of printed matters should observe objective and constructive criticism that aims at public interest and which is based on facts and evidence. It is prohibited to publish any material that violates the provisions of Islamic Sharia or the applicable laws, anything that could lead to a breach of the country's security or its system, any material that insults or undermines the reputation of the members of the Council of Senior Scholars, the Grand Mufti of the Kingdom, any state official or employee, or any person whether natural or legal. It is also prohibited to publish anything that incites discord among citizens or encourages crime. Publishing the facts of trials or investigations without permission is prohibited. The Ministry of Media has the right to withdraw any violating printed material without compensation. If the printed material is approved and then something necessitates its withdrawal, the ministry compensates the concerned party for the value of the withdrawn copies.

All printed materials published in the Kingdom must contain the bibliographical data specified by the Implementing Regulations. Licenses can be assigned to others, shared, or rented out after obtaining the Ministry of Media's approval and in accordance with the regulations. In case of the licensee's death, the heirs must notify the ministry within two months of the date of death, and they have the right to continue the activity.

Internal printed matters under the Law of Printed Materials and Publication in Saudi Arabia

According to Article Thirteen of the Law of Printed Materials and Publication, every author, printer, publisher, or distributor must submit two copies to the Ministry of Media for approval before printing or circulation. The ministry approves or rejects the printed material within thirty days, providing reasons in case of rejection. The concerned party may file a grievance against the rejection decision.

The author, the publisher, and the printer are responsible for any violations in the printed matter if printed or put into circulation before approval is given. If it is not possible to identify the person responsible then the distributor becomes responsible, otherwise the responsibility lies on the seller.

Adding advertising materials to films or similar media recorded with sports or artistic content is prohibited unless done through local advertising and publicity companies approved by the Ministry of Media. The Implementing Regulations determine the duration of advertisements in each work.

The Ministry of Media requires the publisher or author to submit copies for deposit of whatever is printed in the Kingdom. Each printed material must maintain records of printed materials, and the ministry may exempt certain materials from this registration requirement.

External printed matters under the Law of Printed Materials and Publication in Saudi Arabia

External printed materials are approved if free from anything insulting to Islam, the Law of Governance, or the state's interests, and do not violate public decency. The materials are approved or rejected within thirty days from the date of receiving the application. Newspapers are treated in accordance with the provisions of the Implementing Regulations. Foreign newspapers may be printed in the Kingdom with the approval of the Prime Minister.

Any Saudi who publishes a non-periodical printed material must submit an application for approval to the Ministry of Media, including proof of depositing the required copies according to the Legal Deposit Law. The Implementing Regulations regulate the importation and distribution of external printed materials in addition to the necessary procedures to facilitate accompanying any printed matters and subscription therein for their scientific purposes and within the limits of their personal possession.

Local journalism under the Law of Printed Materials and Publication in Saudi Arabia

Local newspapers are exempt from censorship unless in exceptional circumstances approved by the Prime Minister. Journals may be issued by private authorities or individuals in accordance with a license from the Ministry of Media with the consent of the Prime Minister. The consent of the ministry alone is sufficient to issue bulletins of limited circulation such as those issued by private authorities, scientific and professional magazines issued by private authorities or individuals, and journals and scientific magazines issued by the public educational authorities and government entities.

The supervisor of these publications and the director of the issuing authority are responsible for what is published therein. The name of the owner of the license, the name of the chief editor, the place of publication, the date, price, and printing press number must be prominently displayed in the newspaper.

When publishing advertising material, it must be indicated as an advertisement. Editorial advertisements for countries may be published after obtaining the Ministry of Media's approval. The chief editor or his deputy is responsible for what is published in the newspaper, without prejudice to the responsibility of the text writer.

The use of the name of a previous banned newspaper is prohibited unless ten years have passed since its ban, unless the concerned parties relinquish the name before the period expires. It is also prohibited to use a name that could cause confusion with another newspaper's name.

The Ministry of Media may withdraw the license or cancel the consent to issue the newspaper if it is not issued within a maximum period of two years from the date of notice of the license, or if the issuance is suspended for a continuous period of more than one year.

Penalties under the Law of Printed Materials and Publication in Saudi Arabia

Any journal that imputed to another an incorrect statement or published erroneous news must be correct that by publishing it free of charge in the first issue after the correction request and in the same place where the news or the statement was first published or in a prominent and anyone harmed is entitled to claim compensation.

Anyone who violates the provisions of the Law of Printed Materials and Publication is punished by one or more of the following penalties: a fine of up to SAR500,000, which doubles if the violation is repeated, suspension from writing or participating in media activities, or both, temporary or permanent closure of the place of violation, and publication of an apology by the violator in the printed material in the form approved by the committee, at the violator's expense. If the violation involves an offense to Islam, or affects penalties within the jurisdiction of the judiciary, or the higher interests of the state, the committee must refer it to the minister to present it to the King for action that serves the public interest.

The Ministry of Media has the right to withdraw printed matters displayed for circulation if they are prohibited or not approved and contain prohibited materials. The authorized committee decides on the appropriate action, either by destroying them without compensation or requiring the concerned party to return them out of the Kingdom at his own expense if they are foreign.