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Riyadh International Philosophy Conference

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Riyadh International Philosophy Conference
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The Riyadh International Philosophy Conference is an annual conference that hosts philosophers and thinkers from around the world to discuss contemporary philosophy and its applications. It was launched by the Literature, Publishing, and Translation Commission, affiliated with the Ministry of Culture in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 2021.

The first edition of the conference was held at King Fahd National Library in the capital Riyadh, under the title 'Festival of Ideas,' and focused on a main axis titled 'Unpredictability’. Meanwhile, the second edition in 2022 was titled 'Knowledge and Exploration: Space, Time, and Humanity’, with the participation of seventy-one speakers including university professors, philosophers, space pioneers, and scientists from twenty countries, with nearly 2,700 attendees. The third edition was held in 2023 under the axis 'Trans-Cultural Values and Ethical Challenges in the Communicative Age’, with the presence of enthusiasts and experts in philosophy, its theories, and its modern applications worldwide.

Objectives of the Riyadh International Philosophy Conference

The Riyadh International Philosophy Conference aims to provide an annual space for dialogue to discuss the latest developments in the field of philosophy and its modern applications; offer multidimensional philosophical content accessible to all segments of society; build bridges of cooperation among practitioners in the field globally, and support the momentum of philosophical scientific and academic research.

The conference discussed the idea of the intersection of science and philosophy at their meeting point, addressing the impact of industrial revolutions on humanity, artificial intelligence, the relationships that arise between humans and machines, and climate change.

Activities of the Riyadh International Philosophy Conference 2022

The second edition of the Riyadh International Philosophy Conference, held from December 1 to 3, 2022, included several activities, namely:

- The interactive space, which included presenting the history of philosophical concepts with audience participation to enhance interest in this field and provide a series of interactive models for a tangible understanding of concepts related to time, space, and humanity.

- The Philosophers' Cafe, which facilitated interaction among participants in an informal setting, where timely questions derived from the conference theme "Knowledge and Exploration: Space, Time, and Humanity" were posed.

- The Philosophers of Tomorrow space, which targeted youth aged between seven and fifteen years old and included several workshops, such as: animated stories about space explorers, as well as arts and crafts activities.

- The Philosophy Camp, which included outdoor philosophical discussion sessions and field activities, along with a competition for reading between the lines, which is an open debate among four groups of university students during two dialogue sessions titled: "Is the ethical fear of artificial intelligence development exaggerated?"

Activities of the Riyadh International Philosophy Conference 2023

Under the title of "Trans-Cultural Values and Ethical Challenges in the Communicative Age," the third edition of the Riyadh International Philosophy Conference 2023 was organized by the Literature, Publishing and Translation Commission from December 7 to 9, 2023. It featured enthusiasts and experts in philosophy, its theories, and modern applications worldwide, with over seventy guests from more than twenty countries participating. The third round included several themes, namely:

- The philosophical framework of cross-cultural values: theoretical, methodological, and practical implications.

- Philosophical examination of transcultural values: Classical and contemporary approaches.

- Transcultural ethics in historical context: Normative ethics, metaphysical ethics, and applied ethics.

- Justice and legislation in a multicultural world: Rights, ethics, and the other.

- Philosophy of identity: Self, other, and cultural construction.

- Ethical relativism in the face of global standards: Critical evaluation and cross-cultural comparison.

- Philosophy of religion and ethics: Cross-cultural perspectives on religion and ethics.

- Ethics and responsibility in the age of communication technology: Philosophical inquiries into virtual reality and emerging technologies.

- Transcultural aesthetics: Art, innovation, and imagination.

- Historical awareness in the era of cultural transition.

- Ethics of good life and the future of humanity: Ethics, technology, and post-humanism.