The Saudi Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society is a Saudi society specializing in obstetrics and gynecology. It organizes scientific, academic, training, and consultancy programs for professionals and those interested in the field of obstetrics and gynecology in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The society contributes to the development and enhancement of scientific, professional, and research performance in the field. The society began its activities in 1990.
The Saudi Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society is overseen by King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah. Its membership includes military hospitals, Ministry of Health hospitals, National Guard hospitals, and the private sector, as well as a group of consultants and specialists.
The first board of directors of the society was elected on March 21, 1989. The society began its work by holding several board meetings to explore the capabilities that could contribute to serving the specialty and its practitioners from all over the Kingdom.
The society aims to empower and advance the scientific field in this specialty and develop scientific and professional performance for all its practitioners. It contributes to the exchange of production and scientific ideas between universities and scientific institutions both within and outside the Kingdom. The society also contributes to scientific communication among its members and those interested in its activities and conducts research and studies to enhance performance efficiency, in addition to participating in scientific publishing and providing scientific consultation.
The society offers a range of services through its various activities, such as organizing conferences, symposia, and seminars. It encourages working on scientific research and its publication in specialized scientific journals, issues scientific magazines and periodic newsletters, and provides intensive scientific courses for doctors training in the field. These courses aim to prepare them academically and practically for fellowship and doctoral exams. The society also supports the continuous education of practitioners through scientific activities and the development of subspecialties.
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