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Masar Project

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Masar Project
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The Masar Project is an initiative launched by the Saudi Society for Comparative Literature in collaboration with the Literature, Publishing, and Translation Commission in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 2022. The project includes a diverse and regular array of activities and events, such as lectures, seminars, and specialized training workshops directed at the general literature and culture audience, not just specialists.

Launching Masar Project events

'Masar' Project was launched in conjunction with the Riyadh International Book Fair 2022. It is a cultural program that includes a variety of events such as seminars, lectures, and training workshops. The project's events were inaugurated with a workshop titled 'Critique of Literary Criticism.' Additionally, the project includes monthly events that are announced regularly on the association's account on the X platform.

Masar Project objectives

The Masar Project aims to contribute to the critical cultural movement by discussing common issues in specialized research circles, showcasing the work of researchers in literary and cultural criticism, interdisciplinary and comparative studies, and keeping up with modern trends. The project also hosts international researchers to discuss recent research developments in these fields. It focuses on conducting specialized workshops aimed at providing enthusiasts with practical skills related to humanities, such as creative writing, translation, film criticism, literary criticism, and comparative interdisciplinary studies.

Saudi Society for Comparative Literature

The Saudi Society for Comparative Literature was established in 2020 to contribute to the local intellectual, critical, and cultural movement, and to enhance its global role. The society focuses on literary theory, critical studies, and comparative theory at local, regional, and global levels. Its objectives include enhancing the role of literature and criticism in daily life, providing research opportunities, building a local knowledge base, and attracting those interested in comparative, cultural, literary, and critical studies. The Saudi Society for Comparative Literature was established in 2020.