The Child Health Passport is a document issued by the Ministry of Health in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, covering the child's health from birth until the age of five years. It provides information about the child's medical history, monitoring and following up on the child's health status, performing the necessary examination and investigations, and documenting it in the passport to be used by the primary healthcare centers, to become the first reference for child health The passport aims to achieve comprehensive health care, a healthy childhood, and a happy family.
Uses of child health passport
The child health passport serves as a portable record between the beneficiary and healthcare provider, as well as a tool for referral systems between healthcare service levels. It also serves as a health education tool by including messages and advice for caring for the child in the early stages of life and avoiding surrounding risk factors.
Contents of the child health passport
The child health passport includes information about the stages of the child's primary follow-up visits at primary healthcare centers, which are three stages, in addition to basic procedures for monitoring the child, a referral and consultation form, a nutrition report for referral, and a summary schedule of referrals and nutrition.
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