Almarai Company, a Saudi public joint stock company listed on the Saudi Stock Exchange 'Saudi Tadawul', specializes in the production of dairy, food, and beverages. It was established in 1977, and its headquarters is in Riyadh.
It was listed on the Saudi Tadawul on August 17, 2005, and its shares are traded on the main market under the food production sector, under the name (Almarai), symbol (2280), and International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) (SA000A0ETHT1). The company's capital amounts to SAR10 billion.
Almarai's activity is represented in producing high-quality dairy products, in addition to other diverse products including juices, bakery items, and poultry. These products fall under major brands, including Almarai, L’usine, 7 Days, Albashayer, and Alyoum.
Supply Chains in the company
Almarai Company owns most of the supply chain points, starting from feed production and import operations, all the way to manufacturing, packaging, and distribution stages, enabling it to develop its products and subject them to inspection and testing processes to ensure food safety, with more than ten thousand quality tests conducted on products daily.
Almarai Company Expansions
Almarai converted into a joint stock company in 2005, acquired Western Bakeries Company in 2007, and acquired HADCO Poultry Company in 2009, with investments amounting to SAR4 billion.
Almarai Company established the International Dairy and Juice Company in 2009 and the International Baby Food Company in 2010, in partnership with the Mead Johnson Nutrition Company. It also acquired the Argentina farm operator 'Fondomonte' Company in 2011.
Almarai Company fully acquired IPNC in 2014 and acquired agricultural land in North America in 2016 to provide its animal feed requirements and achieve its goal of importing 100 percent of its feed from abroad.
Almarai Company raised its capital to SAR10 billion in 2017 and inaugurated its third industrial complex in al-Kharj, equipped with modern agricultural production technologies. The company also added Premier Chef and Pure Breed Poultry companies to its subsidiaries in 2019.
In 2022, Almarai Company had around 41,000 employees of sixty-four nationalities, with a localization rate of 28 percent.
Almarai Company products
Almarai Company offers 622 products across seven brands and produces 3.5 billion kg of products annually, including 1.5 billion L of milk per year, 2.1 billion pieces of bread and pastries annually, and 2.1 million juice bottles daily.
Almarai Company owns seven dairy farms containing 179,000 Holstein cows. In 2021, the company allocated investments of around SAR6.6 billion in the poultry sector, bringing the company’s annual production volume to 450 million chickens, which means producing 1.250 million kg of poultry by 2026. It also allocated SAR250 million for investment in the red meat sector.
The company's products reach 110 retail stores in seven countries and more than eighty distribution centers through a fleet of over eight thousand vehicles.
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