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Al-Jawhara Bint Turki Al Saud

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Al-Jawhara Bint Turki Al Saud
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Al-Jawhara Bint Imam Turki Bin Abdullah Bin Mohammed Bin Saud is the daughter of Imam Turki Bin Abdullah Al Saud, the founder of the Second Saudi State. She was born approximately at the end of the third decade or the beginning of the fourth decade of the thirteenth century AH (around the 1820s). She is considered one of the most prominent princesses among the daughters of Imam Turki and had notable efforts in endowment.

Activities of al-Jawhara Bint Turki Al Saud

Al-Jawhara Bint Turki Al Saud was active in making book endowments for students of knowledge, especially during the rule of her brother, Imam Faisal Bin Turki. Her contributions are notable among the princesses of Al Saud in this field, but she excelled in terms of the number of books she donated. These included the book 'Uluw lil-Ali al-Ghaffar fi Idah Sahih al-Akhbar wa-Saqimiha' by al-Dhahabi, 'Aqsam al-Quran wa-al-Kalam ala Zalik' by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya, 'Explanation of the Hadith of Muadh Bin Jabal' by Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali, and 'Raf' al-Malam 'an al-A'immat al-A'lam' by Ibn Taymiyyah.

Al-Jawhara Bint Turki Al Saud's book endowment

The reasons for al-Jawhara’s endowment of these books are summarized in the endowment texts affixed to their title pages, including the following text: 'Whoever sees it will know that al-Jawhara Bint Turki Bin Abdullah Al Saud endowed this book to seek reward from God Almighty. It cannot be sold or pawned, so whoever exchanges it after hearing is sinful. Indeed, God is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.'