As-Suq Mine is an open-pit gold mine in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Production began in 2014. Low-concentration ore is extracted and processed using heap leaching technology. The mine's production reached 17,042 oz. of gold in 2022.
As-Suq Mine is located two hundred km east of Taif Governorate, and is managed by Ma'aden Gold Company. Its production capacity reached about 23,103 oz. of gold in 2021, while the mine’s reserves reached about ten million t in 2020.
Gold production in as-Suq Mine
Low-concentration gold ore is extracted from as-Suq Mine and processed at the mine site using heap leaching technology. Gold is produced and sold in the form of bullion. Gold is generally characterized by its strong conductivity of electricity and heat, non-destruction, decomposition, or oxidation, and it is one of the most malleable and formable metals. According to the Ma'aden Gold Company website, the journey of a single gold alloy from the mine to its final form takes about ten days.
The mine contributes to strengthening the Kingdom’s economy in general, and the economy of the Makkah al-Mukarramah Province in particular, by providing direct and indirect job opportunities, as young Saudis from the Makkah al-Mukarramah Province and its affiliated centers constitute the majority of Saudi employees in the mine. A number of them have been trained at the Saudi Mining Polytechnic in Arar, which was established by Ma'aden Company in cooperation with the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation (TVTC).
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